XDuosV3 1.3
Features and Whats New!!!
- Download PKXDv3_ROM_1.3
- Download ClockWorkMod
- Put them in the Root of your SD Card not a Folder just ROOT
- Switch off your phone
- Go to Recovery mode by pressing Home+Volume up+Power Button
- Use the volume keys to scroll Up and Down
- Wipe DATA
- Wipe CACHE
- Choose Apply Update from SD card
- Choose CWM -> you will boot into CWM Recovery which a yellow coloured text
- Wipe DATA and CACHE again via CWM
- Choose Install zip From SDCARD
- Choose zip From SDCARD
- Choose “yes”....
- Wait for installation to be finished
- After that Reboot your Phone
Screenshots for 1.3
Samsoul16 for 15 toggle status bar
Zeppelinrox for V6 supercharger and KickAsskernel script
emwno for supremacyV3 tweaks
Ganesh A for xperia corners and ATOMODS
Zeppelinrox for V6 supercharger and KickAsskernel script
emwno for supremacyV3 tweaks
Ganesh A for xperia corners and ATOMODS
Silahkan Download ROM di bawah ini:
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